Miura Anjin (William Adams)
The First European Samurai
In February 2024, an American historical drama series titled “Shogun” made waves in the United States as soon as it was released. The story is based on a true story of one European sailor, Willian Adams, who this article will be talking about. William Adams (Japanese name: Miura Anjin) was an English navigator, maritime pilot, and trader who worked as a diplomatic advisor to the Tokugawa clan in the early Edo period. He served as an interpreter and advisor during diplomatic missions and technical negotiations. His Japanese name was given to him by Tokugawa Ieyasu, the most powerful man in Japan at the time.
A Ship on a Mission Drifts to Japan After Being Shipwrecked
Born in 1546 in Gillingham, Kent, England, Adams lost his father, who was a sailor. At 12, he moved to London to become an apprentice shipwright. More interested in navigation than shipbuilding, Adams joined the Navy at 42 and served as captain of the supply ship Richard Duffield. He married in 1589 and had a daughter and a son.
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